Do you nurture your spiritual life with prayer and silent waiting and with regular study of the Bible and other devotional literature? (New England Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice) About two weeks ago, I spent a night at the Episcopal Monastery in Cambridge that is part of the Society of St. John the Evangelist. This was some time I was able to get off as part of Continuing Ed for my job at the church. The food was delicious, the people running the retreat center were so kind, and I feel so lucky to live so close to SSJE.
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Do you seek to follow Jesus, who shows us the way? (New England Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, Queries) I identify as a Christian. There is a picture that is well known in the Friends community entitled “The Spirit in the Midst.” In this picture is the communion of the community with Christ, which is central to many Friends and speaks to my experience of worship.
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Are you sensitive and obedient to leadings of the Holy Spirit? (New England Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, Queries)The season of Lent is fast approaching. While Quakers do not traditionally observe this liturgical practice, many of us have spent time reflecting on and considering Lent I grew up in Maryland, a historically Catholic state, where many of my classmates were/are Catholic. On Ash Wednesday each year, these students would come to class with ashes on their forehead in the shape of crude crosses. Some years I was able to catch my curiosity before asking someone why they had dirt on their face, other years I blundered.
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Do you live in thankful awareness of God's constant presence in your life? New England Yearly Meeting, Faith and Practice Query: Spiritual Life
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