Comments (3)

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I just posted a comment and would like to tell you a bit about myself since this is the first time I have posted. I am currently in India for 7 months with my husband, in the state of Kerala. I am thoroughly enjoying observing and learning about the practices and way of life of the Hindus here, and the Christians and Muslims who each account for about 20 % of the population. And at the same time, I miss meeting for worship and my home meeting community! My daughter told me about this new online meeting for worship that was starting up and I thought it might be a great resource for me. I am a lifelong Friend in the unprogrammed tradition. I am also drawn to aspects of Catholic worship: the music and rituals; I spent part of my childhood living in northern France where I attended a Catholic school and felt close to God when I attended mass (which was in Latin in those days). Later I taught at the Ramallah Friends School in the West Bank, Palestine, and experienced a semi-programmed meeting for worship which I deeply appreciated. The combination of songs, readings from Scripture, and Rachel's reflections therefore resonates with me. I am grateful for the opportunity and the resources.

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Thank you so much for sharing. I'm so happy to hear that this worship space is dynamic for you and that you are finding ways to nourish your spiritual life. I love the image of the elements of worship being like messages in waiting worship, where some things speak to you and others don't; some things have threads of messages for you and other things are meant of others. Thank you for this thought and for your presence in this space.

Many Blessings,

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I struggled with the song selections when I first participated in the online meeting for worship a couple of weeks ago. They were songs I would happily listen to at other times. I did not feel however that they helped me enter more deeply into worship. I love singing and playing music of all kinds. I choose chanting and meditative singing however to help me center and seek closeness with God. Last week I wrote in my journal: "Perhaps it would help me to open myself to the song selections like I do to messages in meeting for worship: listen, feel with the messenger, then tune out the spoken words if they are not for me." Approaching the songs with openness helped. The simplicity of the message in last week's 'Redemption Song', repeated over and over, spoke to me, like the chanting and meditative singing that I love. And this week, I was moved by both songs. I felt as though the rap song brought into my worship space experiences and images that seldom share that space, and I felt blessed.

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